These days, it’s hard to get through a pregnancy without hearing something about genetics. There are a growing number of genetic tests available that can give some information about the likelihood of a genetic condition in a pregnancy. It is important to know that these tests are optional and that you have all of the information to make the right choice for you and your family.
The topics that are covered during pregnancy can be emotionally challenging, and we hope that this site will offer you the information and resources you need during this time. The information on this site will walk you through some of the common genetic-related topics that are discussed during or prior to pregnancy, give you more information on what testing options are available, and go over what their results can and cannot tell you. We will provide you with the resources to empower you to decide what prenatal test(s), if any, are right for you based on your own personality, beliefs, needs and values.
Click on the links below to learn more about the specific areas of prenatal genetics:
Click here to learn more about scheduling a genetic counseling appointment for pregnancy-related questions.
Schedule a personalized consultation with one of our certified genetic counselors.